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24-hour special care service for clients with profound multiple disabilities


24-hour special care service for clients with profound multiple disabilities

This service is meant for individuals who, in addition to a severe or profound intellectual disability, have another disability and need 24-hour supervision, guidance or support. We provide 24-hour care and guidance along with accommodation and catering.

The aim of the service is to encourage clients to participate in everyday activities to the best of their abilities. This means that nothing is done for the clients: they themselves participate in everyday activities according to their abilities.

We provide support to people in order for them to be able to participate in the services and activities available in the community (healthcare, rehabilitation and social services, leisure activities such as concerts, cinema, theatre and sports, etc.).

In providing our service, we focus on personal recovery and use various methodological approaches (TEACCH and CARe methods, coaching, etc.). We contribute to cooperation with the person receiving the service, their loved ones and professionals, whom we include as much as possible.

Our employees are trained and experienced and are guided by the best professional expertise. Continuing vocational training and the great commitment of our employees enable us to provide a modern, high-quality service.


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