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24-hour special care service on the basis of a court ruling


24-hour special care service on the basis of a court ruling

The 24-hour special care service based on a court ruling is used as a last resort to restrict personal freedom and is meant for adults with severe mental disorders. On the basis of a court ruling, an individual may be directed to the service without their consent for up to one year.

The individual is committed to the service without their consent if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. the individual has a severe mental disorder that limits their ability to understand or control their own behaviour;
  2. earlier measures have not proven sufficient and/or the use of additional measures is not possible;
  3. the individual poses a threat to themselves or to others.

If the circumstances do not change within a year, the court may extend the end date of the service by up to one year at a time.

We provide the 24-hour special care service on the basis of a court ruling to 100 people with mental disorders in the village of Valkla in Harju County.

In providing our service, we focus on personal recovery and use various methodological approaches (TEACCH and CARe methods, coaching, etc.). We contribute to cooperation with the person receiving the service, their loved ones and professionals, whom we include as much as possible.

Our employees are trained and experienced and are guided by the best professional expertise. Continuing vocational training and the great commitment of our employees enable us to provide a modern, high-quality service.


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