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Community living service


Community living service

The community living service is meant for adults with severe, profound or permanent mental disorders who need help organising their daily activities.

The service is suited to those who are able to take care of themselves and manage domestic work with guidance and do not need supervision at night. We arrange our service so that employees do not live in the same household as the clients. A Personal Assistant is always physically with our clients for support during the day, but during the night they are always available (for example, over the phone).

The aim of the service is to help guide clients in order for them to be able to cope with daily activities to the best of their abilities. This means that nothing is done for the clients: they themselves participate in all everyday activities. We offer support and advice on participating in the community – accessing the necessary services, working, studying and finding leisure activities.

The service is provided in apartments or houses with family-like living arrangements, in which 2-10 people live together.

The service includes catering as well as housing, for which our clients pay their own contribution.

A person using the community living service can additionally receive the service of work support or the short- or long-term service of sheltered employment.


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