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Substitute Home Service


Substitute Home Service

This service is aimed at children with intellectual disabilities who are without parental care. We provide family-like living conditions in an environment that is safe and encourages development, and we help prepare the child for coping as an adult.  

Children are able to live in the Rakvere substitute home from six months of age until they turn 18 or complete full-time education at school. There are up to six children in each family, with each child living in their own room. We enjoy excellent cooperation with Mihkli School, which is located in the same building as the substitute home. The school has three coping and four nursing classes, and home education is also possible. The professional teaching staff create conditions that enable the development of each and every student. As we are operating under the same roof, we are able to use the school's auditorium for events and music and physical activity classes and actively spend time outdoors. If necessary, the children can also study at other schools in the area.

We create suitable conditions to encourage the children to be active and for them to know how to organise their daily activities. Through practice, children learn the skills necessary for life – each child takes part in cooking and gardening work, cleans their own room and other rooms, and so on. We support development tailored to each child's abilities and offer various opportunities for active participation in the community. Together we go on excursions and hikes and visit the theatre, cinema and exhibitions.

In order to find the best solution for children in need of the substitute home service, we work with the child's personal network.

A child has the right to use the substitute home service if their parents are deceased, are declared fugitives or are imprisoned; if the parental rights of the parents are limited or terminated; if the active legal capacity of the parents has been restricted or if the separation of the child from the parents has been ordered by a court.


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